After the “WhatsApp Status” was released, the popular messenger gained unimaginable success for the debutant status feature was hugely welcomed by the billions of customers of the messenger; the “WhatsApp Status” managed to gather a fan base of about 400 million users per day which is indeed quite a very big number for a new feature to achieve.
It was quite obvious that the status of WhatsApp is nearly an identical twin to the “Snapchat Stories” but the WhatsApp new feature managed to achieve an unprecedented success that diminished the stories feature of Snapchat. Yet it doesn’t seem that WhatsApp is going to slow down any time soon for the notorious messenger is going to equip its platform with yet another Snapchat feature which is time-bound messages that are not here to stay.
The temporary messaging feature is, in fact, going to increase the user’s convenience as he’ll be able to be more outgoing whilst messaging and chatting knowing that any thing he’ll send, write or share with others is definitely disappearing within a short period of time. The temporary messages are also preferable for youngsters and teenagers who might want to post or share some silly or embarrassing stuff but they wouldn’t have them on their timelines and profiles for good. Snapchat has achieved a decent success when the platform introduced short-lived messaging as the feature was heartedly welcomed mostly by youths.
Yet, it’s speculated that WhatsApp is going to achieve a better success when the app launches the temporary messaging feature to its huge base of users. If WhatsApp introduces the short-lived messages in the upcoming app version, there’ll be a palpable flexibility within the messenger for the users will find themselves able to communicate freely knowing that whatever they say or share will evaporate when the chat comes to an end.