Download Telegram Messenger

This application is available for Android, IOS and Windows users as well as desktop computers-Windows, MacOS and Linux. Users of this application can send photos, messages, videos, stickers, audio and other files. This application is known for being one of the first to have encrypted protection.

As a cloud service, it allows the exchanged messages be accessed from any device registered by the user.

Telegram Groups

The advantages of the application are that it can send files and images up to 1.5 GB in size, it is also possible to send messages in groups and the largest group can up to 5000 users. hours, which is good if you send a message by mistake.

It is also possible to organize public chatting through channels, which does not have a limited number of participants, monitoring the number of views, each participant can leave the channel when he wants, or put a chat on mute.


In order to assure users of complete data security, the telegram organized competitions twice to reward hackers if they broke down the data protection set by the company, both times without winners.

One of the reasons the Telegram criticized for being used by ISIS. They alleged that they were allow access to the data by circumventing the anti-terror law, but the developers were constantly refusing to coöperate .

That is why there was a ban on cryptocurrency in Russia, but it did not happen only there, but in China and Turkey, because what is considered in European countries human rights is not so in others. means that the authorities are following everything the citizens do on the internet.

This app consumes very little traffic and is free of charge as well as being ad-free.

Founded in 2013, though its founders left Russia and opened headquarters in Berlin, Telegram servers are hidden in the UK where Russian authorities do not have access, as this app has emerged as a safe place for its users,and is unfortunately band.


Now you can install Telegram in your smartphone, tablet or desktop.


Telegram Messenger for Android


Download Telegram Messenger for iPhone

Windows Phone

Telegram Messenger for Windows Phone

PC Windows

Messenger for PC Windows | Web Telegram | Portable


Messenger for MAC


Messenger for LINUX